We have a game for you, and it only requires you, right here, right now....
Make a list of the top 3-5 complaints you find yourself having about your spouse, or those you’re in close relationship with. Don't read ahead until you've done this.
Made the list?
Okay, keep reading...
Now ask yourself, "How do I enable this complaint?"
Too often, we see our complaints about others as being their “fault” or finding that they are “to blame” for how WE are feeling about ourselves. When a complaint happens more than 3 times, it’s typically our perception of someone's behavior that is the true source of the complaint.
When we take inventory of our common complaints we have with our spouse, and others, we begin to see patterns that help us find the real source of the issue.
“People interrupt me all the time.”
Possible way to take responsibility rather than blame: "Maybe I’m not speaking in an assertive manner."
“People criticize me.”
Way to take responsibility:
“If I loved myself more, would I see criticism as feedback rather than attack?"
“My spouse doesn’t notice when I’m upset.”
Way to take responsibility:
“I actually haven’t communicated this honestly with my spouse.”
Our relationship with our spouse AND relationships with others can blossom in a new, and powerful way when we take ownership of our own complaints against others. They can reveal so many things that WE aren’t feeling, communicating or taking ownership for.
Try it today, and we guarantee you will experience freedom through this!
With love,
Austin & Rachel