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Success Stories

Real stories from real couples like you.

Stephen + Alexis

“I just feel so free in our marriage now; I feel supported in that if I have something going on that I’m struggling with, I have a real partner that’s going to help me through that, and that we’re going to come out on the other side better than we ever could have imagined.”

Loving CCM!

I’m SO glad we joined CCM! The challenges and conversations are awesome, and my spouse and I are closer now than ever before – if often feels like we’re honeymooning all over again(both emotionally and physically) Because of CCM we have been able to start unpacking some heavy baggage and work towards getting rid of it all together. I never thought that was possible until this program. This has been one of those ‘I never knew what I was missing’ things. Thank you for all you do!

P & C

Stronger Than Ever.

CCM has opened new ways of thinking and viewing which we had never thought of before. It has allowed us to learn and grow stronger in our marriage and as individuals. One of the biggest things I have taken from it so far is learning ways to own my emotions. I have been able to pause, process, feel, and allow my response to be graceful and understanding. Before it was easy to be caught up in emotions and blame talk. Now I have learned what it means for both of us to each take 100% responsibility. WONDERFUL!

Vince & Sheena

Step into Freedom!

If you’re like me, the only reason you haven’t joined CCM is because you already know the junk in your life that you refuse to deal with. I knew that getting accountability with Austin would lead to greater accountability and transparency in my marriage and once I had that, joining CCM was just the icing on the cake. Think of it like an extended warranty for you marriage! So what are you wanting for? Join CCM today because the only thing you have to lose is your junk! Step into Freedom today!

Jake & Allie

Jared + Mallory

“What used to be “arguments” that would blow up and become long, drawn out, mad-at-each-other events, have really turned into these conversations we have where we get to understand the other person’s perspective, and instead of getting angry at them, really honoring them for bringing that forward and opening themselves up.”

A New Level of Connection.

If you want greater connection and intimacy in your marriage relationship, we can't speak highly enough for how much Austin and Rachel have assisted us!

Meredith & Justin Boggs

Finally…REAL Communication!

We’ve had some very needed and deep conversations lately. Topics that aren’t fun to talk about, but we both needed to. It has really made me feel closer to him than EVER. I feel like a light bulb has gone off and we’ve opened up a whole new level in our marriage.

Kirsten & Ben

HUGE breakthroughs in our marriage!

Our biggest breakthrough was quick equals young. It was like a light-bulb came on when we trained on that. As for our marriage, it’s helped us to realize that we aren’t alone in this and we aren’t the only ones going through what we’ve gone through. It’s taught us how to express what we are feeling and why in an appropriate manner that respects your spouse. The support from the Ladies group has been AMAZING too! THANK YOU Austin and Rachel!

Collin & Jenny

Kodie + Kenzie

“Before we got started with Conscious Christian Marriage, we were just kind of floating around, you know, we were good, but things weren’t great, and so when we found Conscious Christian Marriage it was very enlightening and a whole new perspective, and opened up so many doors for our marriage..”

Now We Understand Each Other.

Both my husband and I have gained so much from being a part of CCM. We’ve been married for 5 years and have a very strong marriage, but still have so much to learn! The live Q&A calls have been so much fun, and huge eye openers to us. It’s so freeing to learn to accept yourself as a masterpiece, not something flawed to work through, and also to learn how your spouse thinks and feels. It gives you the ability to truly love them as you were meant to.

Having the CCM community to go to for wisdom, support and prayer requests is like going to a safe, quiet place in the middle of the craziness and apathy or every day life. To put it concisely, a blessing.

Stephen & Caitlin

SO many results SO quickly!

From the initial phone call conversation, I knew I needed Rachel in my life. She is such a great listener and takes time to process the deeper meaning of what you are saying and is able to help me in ways I didn't think I needed, but I did. Her genuine and calming nature is so healing to me. I know whatever issue I bring to her regarding my marriage, she doesn't judge at all and gives me a perspective I would have NEVER thought of. I have been to over 20 years of counseling and I haven't felt like many of the counselors I have been to have actually "seen" and "heard" me like Rachel has. And I have only been a member for a MONTH! I can't wait to see the growth that will happen over the next handful of years as we stay connected and learn from Austin & Rachel. They have SO much knowledge, well beyond their years. They have deepened my husband and I marriage tremendously from giving us so many questions to think about and connect on. They are truly a one of a kind couple that I am beyond blessed to know. 

Stephanie & Max

Our Marriage Game Changer!

CCM has been a game changer for us. Before we started this program we had no idea the potential our marriage could have. We have always had a good marriage and a strong one but but CCM has really given us the right tools to make our marriage blossom. Both my husband and I have learned a lot of our self and one another, even though we have been together for 13 years. It is an amazing thing to watch your spouse really dive into your marriage and implement what we are learning in CCM. We have talked about topics we have NEVER talked about before. We have been more understanding of each others emotions and the “why” behind how we handle conflict or topics. We are able to talk about our feelings, that we never did before and so much more! We just really are working TOGETHER through everything and pouring out the love we have for one another. This has been such a blessing and SO excited to grow even more with the tools of CCM! Our marriage has changed for the good. Thank you Austin and Rachel!

Mallory & Jared

Tony + Kelly

“Austin and Rachel have a way of cutting a little deep, and it’s an amazing thing when you open up to each other. Conscious Christian Marriage really gave me the tools, armed me with what we needed to connect, and inspires me to lead our family closer to God. And so that’s brought us closer to each other, and it’s brought us closer to God for sure, and it’s impacted our marriage in such a positive way.”

So Much Transformation That My PARENTS Joined CCM!

Our marriage has transformed so much that one of our parents asked us, “Wow, what has made such a difference in your marriage?”

We told them about CCM and they joined, and now experiencing the same results!

We’re so thankful for CCM!

Jake & Allyn

So Much Easier.

And I can’t tell you how much it deepened our connection.  We are both “polite” and don’t want to complain or cause friction, so sometimes we both had feelings we didn’t share.  Your challenge opened up new communication between us.  Suddenly it is so much easier, much less scary, to show our feelings and to talk about things we wouldn’t have before.

Dave & Leslie

“Middle-Aged” and Our Marriage is Thriving!

I think a lot of middle-aged people assume everything is great in their marriage if they don’t have any, ”big issues”. Alexis and I did not have anything glaring in our relationship however we both knew that we did not have good examples growing up on either side and that we could do better. It was so great for me as a man to find CCM to help me truly communicate and be able to open up and better understand the responses I get from my spouse and all kinds of different situations. When you are truly ready to communicate on a whole new level with your spouse I cannot recommend CCM enough!

Stephen & Alexis

I recommend this for any marriage.

With Austin and Rachel’s teachings and wisdom we have grown to look at each other and love each other a lot in just a few short weeks. The exercises are engaging and enlightening. There is so much logic and truth behind everything we do. It is literally like being at a sermon hearing a message that was seemingly placed just for you. I recommend this for any marriage. Even if your already happy, this will only amplify it. You will be amazed on how much happier you actually could be. Never settle. 

Devin & Tricia

Connect in the every day.

We got to do our date night and it was so much fun! Idk why but this date night just felt different. Like it was really purposeful. We had a blast.

The best part of this months challenges- the date night and non sexual touch. (However, it has often led to sexual touch too). But it’s been a nice way to connect in the everyday conversations with simple touches saying “I love you and I care.” It’s really meant a lot to me.

Courtney & Alex

Blessing couples worldwide.

I can say the first 2 weeks were amazing because it literally helped us to establish what we want our core values and marriage vision to be.

Your videos are amazing and please know we share this with everyone in our church. Your ministry is reaching hundreds of people and saving marriages worldwide.

Victor & Kimmie

Our vision is to support driven, highly committed couples who are not afraid to look upward and inward to create a marriage that honors God, each other, and changes the world.

 Join our VIP Monthly program, which includes:


Every week, Austin and Rachel go LIVE with all the couples in their Coaching and Premier Community. During those live, interactive trainings, they lead couples through new concepts and hands on connecting exercises. These calls are most couples favorite part of the Programs for their interactive and impactful effects! You will be inspired and encouraged as you connect deeply with your spouse and grow with intention together!

*Live sessions are recorded so anyone in the Coaching Community can watch later as well!*

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In addition to the Couples Coaching calls wives get to experience the gift of Weekly Live Coaching calls where women ask Rachel anything and get personal and practical advice in their marriage and lives. No subject is off limits as Rachel loves pouring into her women and their friendships in community.

You also gain access to the wives Private community where women can experience high integrity, love filled, honest and raw conversation. In this space you will not experience complaining or dishonoring conversations. Everything is real, yet with a deep emphasis on love, and what that truly is. It is likely you won't find any other group of women like this on the planet.

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In addition to the Couples Coaching calls Men will be challenged and equipped as leaders in the Weekly Live Coaching calls with Austin. Chances are you have never experienced this level of brotherhood and call to leadership in your life. Austin will push you to learn and grow new things that will take your marriage and life to new heights of success,

Men connect in their Private community with honesty and realness as they encourage, inspire and hold each other accountable to their growth together.

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Some of us love to use that left brain when we learn. So, Austin and Rachel have included powerful courses they've written for you to take online, or simply print and enjoy going through them like you would a good book.

These courses include simple, powerful and easy to implement action items and areas of reflection, so you can grow your marriage and grow YOU as. Without action there is no reaction.

We want you to thrive!

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God created us to need and deeply benefit from community. This is no oversight when it comes to The Conscious Christian Marriage programs. Austin and Rachel have created and maintain a private community for all of their members.

In this community you will stay up to date, gain access to unique topics and conversations, grow friendships with other high integrity christian couples, and stay connected to others along the same growth minded journey as you!

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Yes, you read that right.

As a member of the CCM Coaching Program, you get access to every LIVE training, featured guest trainings, and Course we've ever produced. This library is valued at thousands of dollars, and every piece of it could help you heal and grow your marriage to new levels of impact today.

***All 6 of these steps are delivered in an easy to use app that can be as simple to watch as youtube or a podcast!***

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Check out our frequently asked questions below.


    Our typical customer is a highly driven Christian couple, who sees the value in investing in their marriage as a way to honor God, honor their kids, their community and themselves. We have worked with countless couples of all (even 70+ ages).


    Yes, you can utilize any of the training and resources of CCM at your own pace and schedule. If you're committed to seeing your marriage grow and thrive, CCM will find a natural place at the top of your priority list! 😉


    We focus a huge amount of time and energy talking about emotional intelligence, communication, transparency, appreciation and personal healing. We believe that 95% of marriage "issues" are born directly from the unhealed and unloved places inside each spouse. Healthy teammates make a healthy team! 


    Rachel and I(Austin) are very devoted Christians, and the basis for our core values stem from the Christian faith. We believe those values, along with how God designed the human psyche, mind, heart and body reveal the core paths to finding deep personal healing and a co-commited, co-creative, and powerful marriage. 


    That's okay. We've had a ton of individuals join and bring their spouses in down the road! It's a great way to show them you are willing to go first when it comes to investing in your marriage, and becoming responsible for what you bring to it. 


    Even better. We don't believe you have to be sick to focus on the health of your marriage. It gets better as it gets better, always. As we like to say, there is no glass cieling to how good your marriage can be and there and levels above levels that you have yet to experience together - we guarantee it! 


    As soon as you join, you'll receive an email with insctructions for downloading the app and joining the groups where you'll see all the recources and communitites all in one easy app! There, you can access all the trainings, and track your progress in each of them! It's a platform we built based on the feedback of tons of couples in our program.

Really, what are you waiting for?

Let's do this.

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