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Missouri Amendment 3

October 15, 2024

Our State and our nation in crisis: 

the values of a follower of christ and the values setforth 
in Missouri amendment 3 are incompatable.

A man and a woman are sitting in front of microphones.

Photo Credit: Jim Pelis, Cass County, MO


Thank you for following us here on the Blog at The Conscious Christian Marriage. We hope God is blessing your marriage in a powerful way this week.

Whereas we usually do not engage in political discussion here on the blog, this issue is simply too important to ignore, because this is not a mere political issue, this is a morale issue on the largest scale.

As Christians, we are a moral authority, led by the Creator of the universe, and therefore, it is our responsibility to weigh in on moral issues. The Church MUST become more active in weighing in on, and influencing our culture on moral issues -- especially ones of this magnitude.

Admittingly, we don't weigh in enough, or as often as what may be considered necessary -- but here we are. 

If you wish to understand our position in detail, you'll have some watching/reading to do.

However, if you prefer the Cliff Notes version, here you go:

1. We will love you no matter how you vote. 

2. If you are a Bible believing, follower of Jesus, you cannot vote yes on Amendment 3. The clash of values is simply too great. 

3. If you claim to follow Christ, and still believe you can vote yes, you are either misled, misinformed or need to find a community of Bible believing Christians who will love you, support you, lead you and encourage you to dig down and understand where the lack of continuity is in your heart.

Period, end of story. 

Rather than re-write and present very similar points and positions, we want to offer a sermon by Pastor John Lindell of James River Church based out of Springfield, MO. We have had the pleasure of spending time with John, and we can tell you, that his heart is unlike any other. 

He presents an incredible message on the topics of abortion and amendment 3. I have prepared an extensive outline of his sermon you can find below, or, you can watch the message by
going here or clicking the image below.

We stand behind this message 100%. If you want to know our position, it is the one presented in Pastor John's message.


Pastor John explains that Amendment 3 seeks to enshrine reproductive rights into the Missouri Constitution but is written vaguely and ambiguously. He highlights how the amend ment could expand beyond abortion to include rights to other medical procedures like sterilization, gender reassignment surgery, surrogacy, and the removal of reproductive organs. The phrases “all matters” and “but not limited to” create a scope that could lead to unintended legal interpretations, giving courts the power to expand these rights.

Key Pro-Life Laws That Would Be Struck Down if Amendment 3 Passes: 

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban: This ban, which prohibits abortions during the later stages of pregnancy where the baby is partially delivered, would be repealed.

8-Week Heartbeat Ban: Missouri's law that bans abortions after the detection of a fetal heartbeat at around 8 weeks would be eliminated.

14- and 18-Week Abortion Bans: These restrictions would be removed, allowing abortions after 14 and 18 weeks, respectively.

Pain-Capable Abortion Ban: The ban on abortions where a fetus is capable of feeling pain, typically around 20 weeks, would no longer be enforceable.

72-Hour Waiting Period: This law requires women to wait 72 hours after their initial consultation before having an abortion, providing time for reflection.

Parental Consent and Notification: Current law mandates that minors obtain consent from at least one legal guardian before undergoing an abortion, with the other guardian being notified. Amendment 3 would remove this requirement, giving minors autonomy in reproductive decisions.

Abortion Risk Disclosure: Missouri law currently requires that abortion providers inform women of the risks associated with abortion, including infection, hemorrhage, cervical damage, harm to future pregnancies, and psychological consequences. This law would be overturned.

Sonogram Law: This law requires that women be given the opportunity to view a sonogram of the unborn child and hear the heartbeat (if audible) before making a final decision on abortion.

Other Laws Affected:

Hospital Requirement for Abortions After 16 Weeks: Abortions performed at 16 weeks or later must currently take place in hospitals; this requirement would be repealed.

Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Abortions: Missouri law prevents public funds from being used for abortions, except to save the life of the mother. Amendment 3 would eliminate this ban.

Physician Requirement: Currently, abortions must be performed by licensed physicians. If Amendment 3 passes, non-physicians could perform abortions without legal repercussions.

Scientific and Legal Citations:
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF): Lindell cites the ADF, a conservative Christian legal group, which has provided a 9-page brief outlining the potential ramifications of Amendment 3. ADF argues that the amendment's broad language could lead to interpretations that include gender reassignment surgeries, the removal of reproductive organs, and sterilizations.

Dr. Jerome Lejeune: Lindell quotes geneticist Dr. Lejeune, who stated: “Life has a very long history, but each individual has a very neat beginning: the moment of its conception.” Lejeune’s research on DNA and genetics supports the argument that life begins at conception, backing the theological claim with scientific evidence.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Statistics: Lindell references CDC data showing that as of 2015, approximately 27% of abortions were chemically induced. Today, he states, chemical abortions represent around 60% of all abortions in the U.S. These abortions, which use drugs like mifepristone and misoprostol, are not tracked in the same way as surgical abortions, potentially making the official abortion numbers much higher than reported.

Mental Health Research:

Lindell references several studies linking abortion to long-term mental health issues:

- A 98% increase in mental health disorders among women who have had abortions.
- A 59% increased risk of suicidal thoughts.
- A 61% increased risk of mood disorders and social anxiety.
- A 280% increased risk of substance abuse (non-alcoholic).
- Study from Finland: Found a strong correlation between abortion and suicide, with a threefold increase in the suicide rate for women who have had abortions compared to those who gave birth.

Biblical Arguments:

God's Involvement in Creation: Lindell emphasizes that life is a divine gift, created by God personally and intentionally. 

He references multiple Bible verses to underscore this point:

Psalm 139:13-16: "You knit me together in my mother's womb." God is depicted as personally involved in the creation of each life.
Jeremiah 1:5: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." Lindell uses this to emphasize that God’s purpose for human beings begins even before conception.

Exodus 4:11: Lindell explains that even children with birth defects are created intentionally by God, quoting: "Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?"

Ecclesiastes 11:5: Lindell mentions this verse, which speaks to the mystery of God’s work in forming life, encouraging believers to trust in divine sovereignty.

God's Judgment: Lindell warns that God will judge nations that "pollute their land" with murder, equating abortion with murder.

Psalm 106:38: Refers to the ancient practice of child sacrifice and its consequences on the land: “They polluted the land with murder.”

Numbers 35:33: "Murder pollutes the land." This is used to argue that abortion has spiritually polluted America and will bring divine judgment.

Call to Action:

Vote No on Amendment 3: 
Lindell calls for Christians to take a firm stance against the amendment, stating that voting against it is necessary to protect unborn children.

Raise Awareness: 
He encourages his congregation to speak out by placing yard signs, posting on social media, and discussing the amendment with friends and neighbors. He argues that when people understand the true implications of the amendment, many will be shocked and compelled to vote against it.

Support for Women and Alternatives to Abortion:
Lindell offers compassion to women who have had abortions, reminding them that God's grace, forgiveness, and healing are available. He encourages women struggling with post-abortion trauma to seek help through the church or the Pregnancy Care Center, which offers post-abortion counseling.

Adoption Advocacy: 
He shares personal stories, including his father-in-law’s adoption after being conceived in rape, and highlights adoption as a redemptive alternative to abortion. He also shares the story of Justin Janer, a pastor whose birth mother chose adoption over abortion, which profoundly affected his life and ministry.

Pastor John ends with a prayer for Missouri and the nation, asking for God’s mercy and for the defeat of Amendment 3. He asks God to heal those affected by abortion and calls for a spiritual awakening that would lead people to understand the value of life and the need for repentance."

Pastor John... Well. Done. 

Lastly, here are (2) common arguments we hear FOR Amendment 3, or for Abortion in general, that are not addressed in Pastor Lindell’s sermon that we want to highlight: 

1. “But the Amendment also does some good -- it helps women get access to certain care, medications, procedures…. If we get rid of this Amendment, we are saying NO to good healthcare for women…how can you be okay with that? ”

This is, essentially, not true. In all actuality, the Amendment doesn’t give women access to anything they don’t have at least reasonable access to now. 

Ultimately, if you want women to have access to better pregnancy/reproductive health…. Read what we're about to say 50 times if you need to: 

*Produce an amendment that secures those rights without the abortion components.*

We'll vote for that without question. We'll happily pay taxes toward it too.  

2. “What about caring about children that are already born and need care?”

Supporting kids who are already here is, in no way, mutually exclusive of not supporting abortion. 99% of people we know who are against abortion, do it because they proactively care about children postpartum, too. 

If your principal objection to banning abortion is “Well, what about caring for kids once they are already born and need care?”

*Then propose an amendment that secures more rights for children, without the abortion components.* 

We'll vote yes for that, and happily pay taxes for that too. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It is simply too important to ignore. We can't always say "God is in control" and move on with our day any longer. 

Yes, God is always in control, but that doesn't mean He exercises it. 
As St. Augustine once said, we must "Pray as it depends on God, and work as if it depends on us"

So we will do our part while we are expectant that God will somehow make all things right, whether in this life, or in eternity. 

We love you all dearly. 

- Austin and Rachel Holt
Founders, The Conscious Christian Marriage

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