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Counseling + Coaching

Counseling & Coaching Sessions

Austin and Rachel's unique approach will level up your marriage and give you practical, actionable steps to see the results you want.

Online Marriage Coaching & Community

Join The Conscious Christian Monthly Coaching Program: 

  • All CCM Courses 
  • All CCM Live Training Replays
  • Weekly Couples Live Trainings Via Zoom 
  • Weekly Wives Coaching Calls Via Zoom
  • Weekly Husbands Coaching Calls Via Zoom
  • "The Gathering" Spring & Fall 2 Day Event @ The Holt's Farm
  • Private Communities (For Wives, Husbands, and one all together!)
  • Our Library & More
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We firmly believe that Pre-Marital Counseling is absolutely vital to the success of your marriage “launch” and beyond. Studies have shown a 31% reduction in the chances of divorce for those who start and complete a quality marriage counseling program. The CCM session roadmap and curriculum are both highly effective, and a whole lot of fun.

(Source: Scott Stanley, Family Journal of Psychology)

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Our vision is to support driven, highly committed couples who are not afraid to look upward and inward to create a marriage that honors God, each other, and changes the world.

A little about the vision, mission and purpose of The Conscious Christian™

We created CCM because there was nothing else in the world like it; we know this because we looked for it. We looked for a resource that would equip couples in deep connection, healing, co-creativity, personal power, responsibility and the fulfillment of their calling from God. We found there was either "faith" based counseling with a lack of real, practical and effective "how to's" or the "conscious" world of psychology, which was a stark contrast of zero mention of God, or incorporation of the power of the Holy Spirit, which we know is where true healing comes from. We didn’t find this incorporation anywhere, so we dove in head first and started building.

Because we felt called to create a resource based on the values of our Faith as well as scientifically supported therapy and neuroscience, "The Conscious Christian Marriage" was born.

We believe that God’s unique design of our psyche has equipped us to find healing in our conflict. Because of this, we believe a miracle has already been performed in every single person’s heart. This is the powerful convergence of God’s divinity and goodness and the intricate inner-workings of our heart, mind, soul and spirit.

Join Our Coaching Program!

Ready to level up your marriage?

Our primary Coaching program is conducted online, but contains many live elements. If you’re ready to increase your connection, find deep healing, connect with other driven Christian couples, have a ton of fun and remove the snags that keep you from maximizing your impact, click the button below to get started.

I'm Ready to Level Up

Join our Coaching program, which includes:


Twice a month, Austin and Rachel go LIVE with all the couples in their Coaching and Premier Community. During those live, interactive trainings, they lead couples through new concepts and hands on connecting exercises. These calls are most couples favorite part of the Programs for their interactive and impactful effects! You will be inspired and encouraged as you connect deeply with your spouse and grow with intention together!

*Live sessions are recorded so anyone in the Coaching Community can watch later as well!*

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In addition to the Couples Coaching calls wives get to experience the gift of 2 Live Coaching calls every month where women ask Rachel anything and get personal and practical advice in their marriage and lives. No subject is off limits as Rachel loves pouring into her women and their friendships in community.

You also gain access to the wives Private community where women can experience high integrity, love filled, honest and raw conversation. In this space you will not experience complaining or dishonoring conversations. While not perfect, and truly raw, all conversation if Love and growth focused.

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In addition to the Couples Coaching calls Men will be challenged and equipped as leaders in the 2 Live Coaching calls with Austin every month. Changes are you have never experienced this level of brotherhood and call to leadership in your life. Austin will push you to learn and grow new things that will take your marriage and life to new heights of success,

Men connect in their Private community with honesty and realness as they encourage, inspire and hold each other accountable to their growth together.

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Some of us love to use that left brain when we learn. So, Austin and Rachel have included powerful courses they've written for you to take online, or simply print and enjoy going through them like you would a good book.

These courses include simple, powerful and easy to implement action items and areas of reflection, so you can grow your marriage and grow YOU as. Without action there is no reaction.

We want you to thrive!

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God created us to need and deeply benefit from community. This is no oversight when it comes to The Conscious Christian Marriage programs. Austin and Rachel have created and maintain a private community for all of their members.

In this community you will stay up to date, gain access to unique topics and conversations, grow friendships with other high integrity christian couples, and stay connected to others along the same growth minded journey as you!

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Yes, you read that right.

As a member of the CCM Coaching Program, you get access to every LIVE Q&A, guest expert training, and Course we've ever produced. This library is valued at thousands of dollars, and every piece of it could help you heal and grow your marriage to new levels of impact today.

***All 6 of these steps are delivered in an easy to use app that can be as simple to watch as youtube or a podcast!***

Join Today!


Check out our frequently asked questions below.


    Our typical customer is a highly driven Christian couple, who sees the value in investing in their marriage as a way to honor God, honor their kids, their community and themselves. We have worked with countless couples of all (even 70+ ages).


    Yes, you can utilize any of the training and resources of CCM at your own pace and schedule. If you're committed to seeing your marriage grow and thrive, CCM will find a natural place at the top of your priority list! 😉


    We focus a huge amount of time and energy talking about emotional intelligence, communication, transparency, appreciation and personal healing. We believe that 95% of marriage "issues" are born directly from the unhealed and unloved places inside each spouse. Healthy teammates make a healthy team! 


    We are very devoted Christians, and the basis for our core values stem from the Christian faith. We believe those values, along with how God designed the human psyche, mind, heart and body reveal the core paths to finding deep personal healing and a co-commited, co-creative, and powerful marriage. 


    That's okay. We've had a ton of individuals join and bring their spouses in down the road! It's a great way to show them you are willing to go first when it comes to investing in your marriage, and becoming responsible for what you bring to it. 


    Even better. We don't believe you have to be sick to focus on the health of your marriage. It gets better as it gets better, always. As we like to say, there is no glass cieling to how good your marriage can be and there and levels above levels that you have yet to experience together - we guarantee it! 


    As soon as you join, you'll receive an email with insctructions for downloading the app and joining the groups where you'll see all the recources and communitites all in one easy app! There, you can access all the trainings, and track your progress in each of them! It's a platform we built based on the feedback of tons of couples in our program.

Really, what are you waiting for?

Let's do this.

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