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One Day Marriage Event

The One Day Marriage Event

The "One Day" You'll Never Forget.

If you’re looking for an experience where you will leave an event more CONNECTED, more IN-FLOW, and more ALIVE than when you entered the room, well, this is exactly what you’ve been looking for. 

This “One Day” marriage event is your chance to experience real progress and lasting change all while having genuine fun together.

+ 8 hours of transformation

+ Lunch included

+ Meet incredible couples

8 Hours of Interactive Experiences

We don't believe in telling you how to get connected after you leave the event. We will guide you through exercises that are designed to help you make powerful leaps in your marriage, before you leave. If you show up committed and willing, you'll leave on another level.

Lifelong Tools & Insights

You will leave with an entirely new set of tools in your marriage tool kit. What you will learn at our event will not just be useful for that day, but for every day of your marriage. You'll walk away with proven frameworks to repeatedly create new levels of success in your marriage.

Surrounded by Epic Couples

When you learn along side others, you gain insights that are impossible to learn alone. Relationship means "The art of relating to another" and when we relate to each other, we make quantum leaps in our own personal growth, spiritual development and marriage connection.

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